VEGAS READ, January. 4 /PRNewswire/ — at consumer electronics Show ( South Hall conditions # 20507) the Polk Audio 2008 debuting DVD $1.199.95 SurroundBar(R)360 the theatre: a Kw_twostueck surrounded sound system, some single, attractive SurroundBar of 360 multi-channel loudspeakers includes (44 1/2 “W x 4 7/8″ D x 4 1/8″H) and a separate, compact electronics CONSOLE (16 1/2″ W x 11 1/2″D x 3 3/16″ H), which an integrated DVD/ CD more player contains, more amplifier, AM/FM radio and a landlord SDA(R) signal processing die of digital, of similar, USB and video entrances. The SurroundBar 360 more speaker is answer of the Polk Audios to the consumer demand after applicable surrounded audio and deep bass by single cabinet. The smooth, gloss black containment, die is sketched, around all flat panel announcements subtly ergaezunzen, supplies fully 360 surrounded sound SDA(R) own owing to Polks ( Stereo dimension series) technology, die company first introduced to its flagship eighties years speaker model loudspeakers, die for today for their low distortion and hitting sound to be searched still actively. The SDA concept in 21. century taking, DVD the SurroundBar(R)360 theatre marks a new active version of the SDA technology, die processing signal combined and acoustic geometry too create 360 surrounded by the SurroundBar(R)360’s eight drivers. Patented bass venting system places Port(R) to energy Polks that the SurroundBar(R)360 supplies clean, low distortion bass without die disorder of an external more subwoofer reliably. “consumers, who invest in a highly soluble flat screen announcement you understand the difference between average and superior achievement, die is, why die original SurroundBar compact loudspeaker such with final users are hit,” commentated Albaron, Product owner of line functions, Polk Audio, Inc.. “now, with SurroundBar 360, we box more offer these same consumers equally impressive nuts amplifier/processor with all necessary components for high achievement main theatre without die endless disorder of the boxes and the cables.” Die SurroundBar 360 DVD theatre electronics CONSOLE marks HDMI highly soluble video exit and uses Faroudja DCDi2 upconversion to turn each S Video or compound signal into highly soluble video — dissolution 480p, 720p and 1080i. The SurroundBar of 360 DVD theatres shows also — and increased — digital calm illustrations into the JPEG and Kodak illustration disk formats on. The USB entrance forms die attachment of the digital simple and intuitive sources of photo and players for mp3. DTS digital surrounded and Dolbydigital DVDs both is accommodated, like MPG2 is, MPG, CD, CD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, MP3 at the dissolutions up to 384kbps VBR (variable rate Bit). Die of speaker containment becomes magnetically shielded, therefore she can being attached like near at the announcement, while conditions prescribe. Closed in package four photograph devices ( two low, two highly) for standing assembly more speaker, a single 15-foot console — more speaker to the cable, Kw_sixfuss compound video kabelt, the Kw_ninefuss mains connection cable, up wall assembly choice, antenna of the dipole of FM, loop in the morning antenna, quick begins guide, manual owners and remote control. Over Polk Audio Polk is created Audio award winning a designer and a manufacturer of the high achievement audio products and die largest audio mark Electronics referred of, Inc.. 1972 through three of John Hopkins University graduate, regards to Polk Audio more over 50 patents as progress in audio design and the technology. Loudspeakers include products Polks and electronic elements for house, auto and naval’s applications, first satellite radio Hauptteiltuner, the first Audiophilegrad worlds the active IP-ACCESSIBLE loudspeakers, the first THX Ultra2 confirmed Indecke loudspeaker, and I i Sonic the D first maintenance system to include hp radio, XM attach and play ability and dvd more player. Polk of products are world-wide present by authorized specialist consumer electronics retailers. To more information and location a Polk of retailer or the distributor in their area visit or call us with 1-800-377-7655 (the USA and Canada). Outside of the north America call +1 (410) 358-3600.
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